Your manuscript should be original contents that are not copyrighted, published, accepted for publication by any other journal, or being reviewed to any other journal while being reviewed by the Journal. Your manuscripts should be formatted

with Century 12 points, double-spaced, left-aligned, 2.5 inches of top, 1.5 left and right, and 2 bottom margins on international standard (letter) size. The manuscript size may be between seven and fifteen pages. Manuscripts should follow generally accepted manuscripts printing guidelines.


All manuscripts should be electronically submitted to the managing editor at



1.General guidelines 


The submission contains an original manuscript, a checklist, and a copyright transfer agreement.


The manuscript follows the journal template, using MS Word.


The manuscript consists of a title page, abstract, keywords, JEL Classifications, acknowledgement (if any), main text, references, appendix (if any), tables and figures.


The pages are numbered consecutively beginning with the title page.




2.Title page

The manuscript consists of title, author(s) name(s), and affiliation(s).


The lower area of the title page includes the name(s) of the author(s) and e-mail of the corresponding author only.




3.Abstract, Keywords and JEL classifications


The Abstract is less than 250 words for an original article.


Includes no more than six keywords.


Includes no more than five JEL classifications.




4.Main text

Subtitles are ordered according to the journal template.


All figures and tables are cited in numerical order as they are first mentioned in the text.


All figures and tables are referenced within the text.




5.Tables and figures


The titles of figures and tables are set flush left above them, capitalizing the first letter of each word in these titles except for prepositions and articles.


Vertical lines are avoided in tables.


Pictures or photos are supplied in high resolution (minimum 300 dpi).


Pictures or photos are supplied at a reasonably legible size for printing if they may be affected by resizing in the printing process.





References follow KITRI style.


Each entry in the reference list is cited in the main text.


All references are listed in alphabetical order followed by the year published.


The title of books and journals is expressed in italics.


Complete references are included with the full title of the article and up to six author names. Where there are seven or more authors, they are identified as “et al.”


Journal articles have been double-checked as to whether the author name, (published year), title, journal name, volume (issue number) and pages are correct.


Books have been double-checked as to whether the author name, (published year), title of book (editions, if any), place of publication, publisher’s name, and pages are correct.